Charity Committee handed off checks to Leaps & Bounds Pediatric Therapy (above) and Inland Empire Autism Society (below)
At the 5th Annual CCBB event, Alan Boudreau said, “At the heart of what we do, is Building a Better Life for Community and Family; We Dig The Future. So it is very important for us to give back”. And give back we did! This past month we got the chance to excitedly deliver funds to our fantastic partners @autismsocietyinlandempire and @leapspedstherapy.
With both organizations stepping up to assist in the awareness and execution of the 5th annual CCBB, it is no surprise we surpassed our goal of raising $50,000 and were able to deliver some crucial funding to 2 amazing organizations in our community. Many charitable organizations rely on their communities for continued support so that they can offer crucial services to the members of that community. Thanks to the partnership of these amazing charities, our Team of Employee Owners, our generous sponsors, vendors, and upstanding community, we were able to offer some much appreciated breathing room to the people on the front lines #Buildingbettercommunities!